Friday, September 28, 2007

The final flight home

Week 27/28 and nearing my last opportunity to travel home and see the family/friends. As always though I didn't take the camera out as much as a I should have but have a look at the house. What a difference taking a few trees down at the back of the house does.
Dad sporting the Agnew tie...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The camera is back

so the first picture had to be of the Janaway bump. Week 27 and I think I am starting to win on the bump competition

Monday, September 10, 2007

Louise's 30th Birthday/engagement party

Can you believe it. The last of my good friends to turn the corner and make it to 30. We had a great time meeting up again in London for Louise's 30th party. OH....and a double celebration too with Ben and Louise also getting engaged. No photos of Ben unfortunately but some below of the old gang from Uni. (Thanks Jess for sending these photos on)

Louise trying to feel our little one dancing to the beat of the music

Jess, Jo and I trying to fit into the frame while Jess held the camera......great shot.