Thursday, January 31, 2008

Looking cute...again


Lucky for me I had a few playthings with me in Northern Ireland.
A new bouncy chair which kept me occupied..
and a playmat...although Horsey wouldn't play with me.

Papi's Chair

I won't need the footstool for a few years but I was lucky to be able to sit in Papi's chair for a while before he wanted it back. I wish Mummy had sorted me out with both socks though for this photo.

4 Generations on the Agnew side

Here I am with my Great Grandmother, my Nonnie and Mummy. I'd only just woken up but everyone else seemed to be having a great time.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nonnie and Papi

The photos speak for themselves really....I loved spending time with them. Thanks for keeping me so warm and look forward to next month....

My little crown

I don't think I'm a princess or anything but I seem to have a crown on my head. Mummy and Daddy seem to like it.

Shopping in Dunnes

I think I'm going to see a lot of this place every time we go to Northern Ireland....I'm told there is a special way of pronouncing it but seeing as I can't speak yet it can wait for another day.Rather disappointed though as I only got 2 tops....better luck next time I suppose

Meeting the family..part 3

A little song I heard from my cousin Tabitha will guide you through my family.

Hurray for Nena la la la laaa
(my Great Grandmother)
Hurray for la la la laaaa
(my second cousin)
Hurray for la la la laaaa
(my other second cousin)
Hurray for Aunty la la la laaaa
(my Great Aunty Mo)There were more people but I was so tired I just slept the whole time in my car seat so these were all the pictures I have.
There are more family members to meet though and I'll look foward to my return journey home to see them also.

Do I look like Mummy?

What a great time I had. Mummy showed me a few photos of her when she was my age. Do you think there is any resemblance?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Helping Stelios along

Wow. Usually how I get around is either in someones arms, in my car seat or pram. Today though it was an aeroplane and all courtesy of Easyjet. I was on my way to stay with Nonnie and Papi in Northern Ireland and see more of my family.

It all started in Gatwick airport. Thanks for the security staff and Mummy we got through to the departure gate with no problems.
Then we got on the plane...what fun that was....
but then someone started talking very loudly and I didn't like that.

Then we were in the air...what else is there to do during an hour flight but look around....

look out the window....

and sleep.

What is that...

It's always good to spend time with Daddy but sometimes other things on the floor are of interest

Fascinating Granny Frances

Tell me that story again about Daddy....

First trip into Brighton

What a day! There were gales, the sea was really rough and the rain was on it's way but off we set for a stroll on the front. I can see why no-one else was in sight but all the sea air certainly helped me to sleep later in the day.


Although my head is a little too small for some of these I do like to try them on anyway.Thanks Louise and Ben for this hat...
and Brian and Sue for this one...

and thanks Jess for this hat....all these hats and heat are making me nice and tired!!


Mummy sometimes thinks I will be the next Kate Moss and sets me up for a daily photo session.

Personally I think the saying should be never work with dolls rather than children. Don't trust that smiling face....she wasn't working with me at all

at least some knitted toys behave.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Daddy's office

Today I thought I was in big trouble.
It all started OK. Got dressed in my little outfit and had some photos taken (nothing out of the ordinary there).
Then we got into the car and Mummy told me I was off to see Daddy. I never usually see Daddy during the weekdays but what a delight. I think they liked me although I had to have my soother for a bit as I got really tired.

A new resting place

Sometimes I like to rest myself on my playmat, sometimes on my bouncy chair or even in Mummy or Daddy's arms but I've started to like resting on the pouffe. I think it will be too small for me soon but for now I'll keep it on the list.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Me and Monkey

Although Monkey seems to be my name at the minute I have a very special relationship with my blue and pick monkey. We can just watch each other for minutes at a time.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another man in my life

Daddy can be great to be with but on Sunday I got to spend some quality time with my Uncle Simon. I know I am holding his little finger but I think I've got him wrapped around mine already.
That's one down....just 2 more Uncles to go. Can't wait to meet them later in the year in person instead of through Skype

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bottle time with Daddy

This is great. I get to see Daddy in the evenings now and can finish a 'feed' in under 10 mins if I'm allowed.

Tele addict in training

I've got the pose and distance correct, now how do you switch this thing on?

Bath time with Daddy

I love my bath time with Daddy....what's not to like? A strong hand, warm water and a lovely cuddle afterwards. I just wish Mummy could get me dressed a little quicker afterwards!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

A new mode of transport

Mummy made an attempt to take me to the local shops today but without the pram. She couldn't stop laughing putting me in the carrier and then putting it onto herself...Do you think I look amused?? I was petrified!!We won't be using this for a while.

Passport to the World

The reason for the trip to the shops was to get a passport photo of me. It wasn't as bad as I thought and I think they got a really good shot too!! Can't wait to get it now so I can travel around the world. My only worry now is how much I will still look like this when I am closer to 5 years old!

I might even send it into Britain's Next Top Model for the next season and see what happens.

and the results show....

She is more like her Mummy...ahh!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A visit to Sir Richard's office - Brighton

Mummy took me to her office today to show me around and I met her work friends.
Kim and Sue especially kept me occupied with Eeyore but I think Sue was pleased I didn't take too much of an interest in her toy!!
Mummy was trying to sort me out a job while we were there but I think working on my head control is a little more important at this time

Looking cute

Mummy sometimes goes a little overboard with photos of me in the same position....
It always starts well....

And I even try to copy her sticking her tongue out at me
But after 2 minutes of that I get bored and want her to stop it all and let me sleep instead

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Memerizing black, white and yellow can keep you amused when you are waiting for a nappy change. Thanks Alfie for the present.

Monday, January 07, 2008

It's fun to be on my back sometimes..

Thanks to Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon I had a great time on my back on my new playmat....

Come on Forest!!

Don't I look cute wearing my Forest shirt? I made Daddy proud wearing it today, but it was a little short lived as then brought up lunch on it.