Sunday, March 30, 2008


I think she is saying she is looking forward to seeing her Uncles, Aunts and cousins in the summer!!

Found my thumb

Not quite perfected but my thumb has been found. Just need to keep my fingers out at the same time and we are there.

Mummy's friends

Only 1 photo to show you but Mummy's friends from Uni came over on Saturday to visit. Mummy had been telling them how I didn't chat much anymore but I proved her totally wrong. Well with 6 girls in the room you can't help but have a good old chat.
Thanks Jess, Louise, Jo and Nancy for coming over. See you again in June.

Ready for the cinema

What an exciting Thursday I had. I went to the Odeon with Mummy to see '27 Dresses'. I laughed in parts (but that was more to do with with Mummy was doing than the movies itself), fell asleep for a wee while and then needed a nappy change but all in all a very successful trip.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter fun

Easter is great. Although I didn't get to eat directly any of the brown stuff Mummy was eating I got some really great gifts.

Let me introduce you to - Chirpy Chick (thanks Mummy and Daddy), Lammy Lamb (thanks Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon) and Beatrice Bunny (thanks Jenie and John).
They have all been a great source of entertainment when Mummy gets a little boring!!

Is that the rain?

A cute response to the rain starting.....quickly hoist up those trousers Emily you don't want them to get wet!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fun time on the floor

Mummy and Daddy thought it would be fun to lie with me on the floor today and it really was great fun....but I didn't want them in the picture with me.

Miffy and I

I recently received Miffy which tinkles when she moves. So when placed on my belly you can imagine the noise it makes as I am never still.

Daddy's Birthday

It was Daddy's birthday on 20th so we went out for lunch with the family. Uncle Simon couldn't make it as he is away at the minute but he got to sing Happy Birthday later on which was good.

Monday, March 17, 2008

First Giggle

Something of a test really for Mummy, hope you enjoy.

My and my jabs

Brave soldier that I am got my second lot of injections this morning. I took it in my stride and only cried for a few seconds. To celebrate this success Mummy and I went for a walk, attempting the sling one more time.
The picture above is just before we left the house and the picture below was on our return. Note the pink cheeks. A success all round.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spending time with Daddy

Checking out the football scores on the computer with Daddy. Followed by playtime

Head control

My head control is coming on now and I love to look around whilst being on my tummy. However I wish Mummy had sorted out that drool before taking this picture.

Look no bogies!!!

It makes a change for me to be able to say that I have no bogies and my cold seems to be finally away. Papi will be pleased to know that as last time we met all Mummy and Nonnie did was look up my nose.

Hurray for Bumbo

Seems if there is anything new in this house it has to be red but I don't mind as I love Bumbo. I can have a great time in it for a few minutes before my wee head is just too heavy to hold anymore.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One fist or two?

I just can't decide at the minute but will enjoy the time finding out..

Tummy Time

Tummy time is getting much more interesting now I can see what is on my playmat in front of me. Shame I now need a bib on me at all times as I do like to bring up my food on regular occurrences

Monday, March 10, 2008

Family Holiday

I thought I couldn't be spoilt anymore than I am but after a quick turnaround from Nonnie and Papi's house we went to the Cotswolds for the week.
We stayed in Burford which was lovely and had some really interesting little shops.
We even went to Stratford to see where Shakespeare came from...Toured the countryside up Belas Knap
and went to to Roman baths in...well Bath although I hated the sling
but thankfully there were always opportunities to stop for some food and relax in my pram.

I even got to see some piglets at a farm shop.

Mothering Sunday

Daddy couldn't be around for Mothering Sunday but that didn't matter as Mummy and I had a great day watching ANTM, Hollyoaks and other great programmes that Daddy doesn't like anyway. We even managed to squeeze in this photo.

Me and my mobile

When I came home from visiting Nonnie and Papi there was a strange thing hanging over my bed.

There are no photos to prove this but I hate it. It took all of 3 seconds for me to decide this and scream the house down.
I have a feeling though this won't be the last time I will be seeing it.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Nonnie and Papi..visit number 2

Wow. Nonnie and Papi certainly know how to keep you entertained so I had another great week with them again, even though I have left them with my cold. Sorry Nonnie and Papi.

We had some really great chats..

Spending time with Nena

Heated floors are a must

Everyone should have a heated floor. Nonnie and Papi do and well the photos show you just how all you need sometimes is a blanket and you can have an afternoon nap with ease.

My second cousins

What a lovely time I had with my second cousins. I still had my cold by then so we didn't play for too long.
For left to right - Abi, Eoin (pronounced Owen), me and Annabelle.
Thanks Eoin for letting us play on your new playmat.

I actually have my own Pram

Although I always had a great sleep in cousin Tabitha's pram I am so pleased to have my own pram now.

Not sure though with Mummy's singing as she says something about it being old and beautiful, the colours they were fine? Well I have no idea what she means as this is all new and I love the orange.

These boots were made for walking.

My first pair of shoes....they keep me really warm. Although Mummy does keep kicking my feet whilst humming some Russian song which is funny to begin with but quickly gets annoying.

My first true playdate

Check out Nancy and I on my playmat. I had to wait 6 weeks before we could meet each other and I was really tired so needed my BoBo to get me through it. Isn't she cute though?
Can't wait for the next time. Thanks Jo for bringing Nancy over.

Are these trousers too tight?

I think so. There is no way my stomach is usually this big...or am I just taking after my Daddy?...although maybe I could just do a little twist to see if I could fit in a little better....'s just me getting a little too big for my 0-3 months clothes already. I need this belly to balance out my cheeks.