Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bank Holiday Monday with Granny

Visit to Somerset

For the Bank Holiday weekend we took a family trip to Somerset to visit Andrew and Michele.
Thanks for a lovely weekend...hope to see you again soon!!

The smallest City in the UK

We went to a place called Wells. Here we stood outside the pub which was used to shot the film 'Hot Fuzz' (the shooting scene towards the end of the film)....took a look around the Cathedraland also walked down one of the oldest streets in the UK.Very pretty indeed.

Hovis - Pram ride

Not quite the same ride down 'Gold Hill' as the boy in the 1970's advert but off we went. It took me a little longer than him but that was more due to Daddy's control than my own.
Enjoying the views at the top with Mr.Bee

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cool girls in town

Mummy and I sporting our new sunglasses.....but it wasn't all plain sailing...Poor Emily!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Big girl now

Although I've only really had my new pram for a few months now today I woke to find it had changed...and for the better. Now I can play with some toys with ease.
....(I think she likes the new pram!!)
This is me going for the first test drive.
It was so good i had to instantly go to sleep. Well I never normally get to see what is going on around me when we are out and about!

Mr Banana

He maybe hours of fun to play with but do you think you can eat him?

Monday, May 12, 2008

What are they??

At my Nonnie and Papi's house there are these 'things' that move around on the floor. People keep calling them either Teddy, Tina, Puddywood or Trio.....they seem a bit scary to me so I'm glad I'm in my Nonnie's arms

My Nena

Spending some quality time with my Nena (my Great Grandmother)and with my cousins around there is always something to keep me entertained!!

Me and my cousins

At last....it's been a long time coming but I have met 2 out of 3 of my cousins now. Cousin Tabitha and cousin Oscar. Here we are enjoying the summer weather in our new sun tent that Nonnie and Papi bought for us.
and me enjoying Tabitha's Bumbo..

Playing with Oscar on the playmat.......
and watching TV with my Uncle Annu also....

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Party in the Park

Today I meet up with Nancy and we went to the Park for some sleep, chew fingers/suck a thumb and sunshine before heading back to Nancy's house.
Wait a minute is that a Circus being set up over there.....can we go..can we go?

Nancy with that head tilt you could win Britain's Next Top Model!Mini Matt and Simon looking back at us...
Thanks Nancy for today and sorry once again for the mishap on the sofa and floor!!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Me and the gang

Although I finished this a few weeks ago, here is a picture of me and my new friends at baby massage.
Obviously I'm the cute one with Oliver, Nathan and Hannah.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Story time

Let me tell you a story...are you sitting comfortably?then I'll beginIt's about a girl who is very cute...can't you tell??

Hurrah Forest

Saturday was a very tense time for Daddy and I.

We got all dressed up to watch 'the match'. It was a bit nerve wracking at times...
but we got there in the end...hurrah!! Back to the Championship again.