Monday, June 30, 2008

Fashion Princess

My cousin Tabitha certainly has style. She is the fashion Queen, however here are some of my own fashion tips for the summer on bibs.

1- You can never have enough pink ones but animals are a must. (Shame I am making a noise like a lion at the time!!)
2 - If there are no bibs available then a muslin can be easily turned into a bib in seconds making a stylish bandana

In the garden

It has been such lovely weather recently we had an afternoon in the garden so it was time for some family photos.

Down the Pier

Palace Pier (now named Brighton Pier) was a great place to visit.
I think Mummy and Daddy need to be a little worried for me. The 2p machines are a little addictive.
Thankfully I had forgetten about them as soon as we left

Playtime with India

Thanks to India for a most enjoyable Saturday afternoon. Although she is much older than me (she is 3 years old) we still had a great time and I got another chance to play on some swings.

Playing in the Park

I had a great day with Eloise and Lilia on Thursday at St. Anns Well Park.
We had some time on the swings, sat on the grass and eyed up each others toys and sat on this swing thing.
All in all a very good morning. I couldn't keep my eyes open on the way home.

Sitting practice

I've been in training recently for my sitting so Mummy got the stacking rings out. Apologies I am still in my PJ's here...she likes to start me early.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lunch with Gordon

OK so Gordon Ramsey was nowhere to be seen but Mummy and her friends enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Boxwood cafe whilst Nancy and I slept/played.
With Louise and Jess around there were plenty of hands at the ready for Nancy and I.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

London black cab

On Monday Mummy took me to London to see her Uni friends. We were running a little late so hopped into a black cab outside of Victoria train station.
It was really good fun....

such good fun I fell asleep.

Weekend with Granny and Auntie Claire

On Saturday I had a surprise visit from Granny Frances and Auntie Claire. Auntie Claire even brought her dog Sammy to play.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby Group

We meet most Thursday's for a babble about the week and what our Mummy's have been doing but this week Mummy remembered the camera and she set to work.
This is Lilia, myself, Holly and Eloise (from left to right) posing in Starbucks with Sarah and Nicola.....
and this is Holly trying to tell Lilia and I what to do. As you can see we were not impressed.


You might not be able to see clearly here but my face is getting very red and there is a lot of concentration going into what I was doing at the time...any guesses?

Washing Up

Time is Bumbo is always good fun but being able to watch Mummy do the washing is hysterical....and no it isn't because she never does

Father's Day

Well I had to wait all morning for Daddy to get out of bed but when he did we had a lovely day together.Opening cards and enjoying presents as Father and Daughter.

Toe anyone?

I don't really like to suck my fingers or thumb but a few weeks back I found my feet with my big toe being a special treat to suck on......

Friday, June 13, 2008

Forgotten photo in Portugal

This is me all ready for my first 'dip in the pool' whilst on holiday. Most of the other children just had a nappy on but Mummy and Daddy thought I needed the protection from the sun and cold water so I was totally covered. I didn't mind though, it was great fun. Just like a session at Little Dippers pool.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New things

It amazing what you can find just to the side of you......and how much fun you can have

Standing practice

I've been doing a lot of sitting practice over the past few weeks but today Mummy decided it was time to start practicing my legs in this walker.

Boowa and Kwala

My Cousin Tabitha loves this website that Boowa and Kwala exist on. I have to admit it is really good fun.

Holiday to Portugal

Silly Mummy. We went to Portugal last week for a family holiday with Nonnie and Papi but her camera battery ran out on the second day so she took the rest of the photos on Nonnie and Papi's camera but they have gone home with it so these are the only photos we have for the minute....

This is Daddy and I at the pool side.
Papi and I sporting our sunglasses and hats..
Nonnie and I spending time in the shade.

and finally down at the beach. I believe the water was VERY cold so I didn't get to try it out.

Let the weaning begin

On Saturday 31st May I began the weaning process.
It all started with a spoon
and then the food began. I think Mummy and Daddy though it would be all over my face than go down my throat but they were sorely mistaken.
This is me concerned as Daddy scrapped the bottle for the last mouthful.


It's been a while since I last had a photo with Doggy the dog and look how I have grown.and I've been trying out some sitting practice also.

Daddy's girl

Everyone says I look like my Daddy....and I have to agree.