Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nena's chocolate cake

Lucky for me I got to taste some of Nena's chocolate cake. This is actually is picture of the second time I tasted it as the first one went very quickly the day before so Mummy couldn't get a picture of it.
Actually whilst I was eating it Mr. Pheasant came along so Nena and I fed him also.
Thank you Nena.

Final trip to Northern Ireland

Well this year anyway.
Some thing never change on a flight home....
I always sleep....
and always have some playtime.
However some things are sometimes new to me on these experiences and this time it was the baggage trolley. Cousin Oscar made it look very comfortable so I gave it a try. Lucky it was there as we had to wait a long time for the baggage to come through due to some issues with additional bags from Switzerland being on our flight (oops)

New travel pram

I've got a new pram and I must say it is very good (although it will never fully replace my bugaboo!!)
This is my new 'travel' pram for flights I'm all set for Mexico City next year. Watch out cousin Tabitha and Oscar!!
Don't I look comfortable?

Emily Caroline Janaway

14th September I had a special party all in honour of me. A naming party. Nonnie and Papi came over with Granny Frances, Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon also making it amongst others.
It was a lovely day seeing everyone AND I got presents. My favourite is from Mummy and Daddy which is a baby rattle/teether from this place we went to in London.
I even got to taste some of the cake!!

Reading Law?

Emily will have a think about that considering she still has the Hungry Caterpillar to get through.

Lunch with Daddy

Although my time in visiting Daddy for lunch in the week is coming to an end it was nice to spend time with Daddy in the day.

Play parks

I've been to a few play parks in the past few weeks and my favourite is still the swings but they have some new things to keep me occupied such as..
and elephant. He was very tasty.

Into everything

Now I am fully crawling I am into all the things I've been spying on for the past 8 months....
such as Daddy's PS2

Teething or a cold

Emily now has 3 teeth (well actually 4 since I've taken these photos!!) but poor Emily had such trouble with these she couldn't breathe so we had to prop her mattress up just so she would stay asleep at night. Unfortunately that meant she was always found at the bottom of the bed.
look at that wee face....

Visiting friends

I think I'm in training for nursery in a few weeks time but off I went to play with my baby friends.
Here I am with Amber, Holly, Lilia and Eloise. We had such a great time I am hoping we do it again soon.

London Calling

Daddy had to go to London and collect some books to start his final year of study so off we all went for the day.
We had such a great time. We went to a toy museum, went to Tiffany jewellers, Fortnum and Mason and had a lovely lunch out.
Due to some issues on the road we even went by Tube to these locations..
but the most fun was had on the way home on the train.
Daddy ate a mouse whilst I looked on a laughed.

Amberley Chalk Pits

Recently we went to Amberley for the day to see the chalk pits and various other displays. I think we actually went as there was a beer and food festival on for Mummy and Daddy but we had a great day out.
We had some lovely food out....

Saw some old fashioned printing taking place...

and then Mummy went on this thing that made her hair stickup in the air. That was scary so I cried.

Another playpen?

Mummy thinks it is hilarious putting me in here where my toys should be.
Well at least it allows her to eat her breakfast in the morning.

Poor Mummy

Sorry for yet another delay in updating the blog. Mummy wasn't very well (ages ago now) and since then hasn't had a moment to update it (as you will soon see why)

Thankfully when Mummy wasn't well Granny Frances came over to look after me. We had a great time together. Thanks Granny!!