Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the 5th of Novemeber. Gunpowder, treason and plot.Thankfully nothing going on by our house tonight other than wonderful fireworks and of course sparklers.I loved the sparklers but when Daddy then decided to show me some fireworks everything changed.
We will put off an organised firework display for a while yet I think!!

New things

The other day Mummy was busy in the bedroom putting things away and she suddenly realised I was VERY quiet. This obviously means I am up to something which I shouldn't be. So what was it this time?
I was unravelling the toilet roll in the bathroom. Now that is great fun...

Walking (with support)

Last Sunday I decided to show Mummy and Daddy what I have secretly been learning at nursery. At my walker I stood up and walked along. It is all on video and it does look a little scary at times but since then I love having a walk around the place.
Shame I can't turn it to allow me to walk around the house rather than into the walls.

That's not my jumper

Don't I look lovely in my new jumper. Nonnie had made this for....well it was originally for my cousin Tabitha but as she didn't get it made on time for her I was lucky to reap the fruits of her labour. Thanks Nonnie xo

Walk in the country

Thankfully the weather was lovely the other day which allow us all to go for a walk in the country....but thankfully I was snug in my pramand we had some fun later on....