Saturday, January 31, 2009

Playtime with Eoin

Mummy's cousin Evanne came over with her son Eoin (pronounced Owen) for some playtime this week so that makes him my cousin once removed.

Although he came over to play I'm not so sure I liked him playing with MY things!!...

Oh OK....I should say Tabitha's things in the above case.

New adventures

Being in Nonnie and Papi's house there are these wonderful creatures called Teddy (the dog), Puddywood (one of the cats) and Trio (the other cat which only has 3 legs).
They look so soft and cuddly all I want to do is have a hug...
but they never seem to want to come over.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trip to Northern Ireland

I'm currently over seeing my Nonnie and Papi in Northern Ireland so we came over by plane.
I had my first McDonalds at Gatwick Airport (fish fingers) which I enjoyed...
but as I ate so much of it they just wanted to check I was still able to get on the flight so I had a check...phew just fitted in.


We have been receiving a few drawings from Emily when she was at nursery so we thought it was time to start her creative flow whilst at home.We bought her some crayons and paper and left her to it. Here is the end result.

Splash time

Whilst Daddy was having a bath I decided to have some fun with him in the water.
Result - a lot of laughing and a rather wet Emily.

Shoe sorting

Some babies like to sort through the kitchen cupboards for the Tupperware but Emily has found great delight at going through her Mummy's shoe collection. This can keep her entertained for minutes at a time, pulling them all out, putting them back in (in no order) and then pulling them out again.
Mummy actually needed a tidy up of her shoes anyway so thanks to Emily she got that all sorted!!
Job done.

Drinking from a glass

Recently I've been enjoying a drink from MY special glass (bought in IKEA many a year ago for tea lights but Emily doesn't know that yet!!).

Here she is having her first go at drinking from a glass and she did very well enjoying every minute being like her Mummy and Daddy.

Bird Watching

Well it has been a while since we have posted anything but unfortunately the Janaway house has been hit with illness since Christmas starting with Mummy, moving to Daddy and then finally me. Thankfully we are all much better now and we have also had some photos taken also to show you what we have been up to.

This one shows my favourite past time..bird watching. I also enjoy it at nursery so they tell my Mummy!!

Monday, January 05, 2009

My first shoes

One of my birthday treats finally arrived...going to Clarks shoe shop to get my first pair of shoes.
The whole experience was great. I get to put my feet into this thing that told them what shoe size I was. (4 1/2 F)
Got to try them out in the store....
and then got my 'offical' photo taken by Clarks themselves.

Christmas Day

Father Christmas finally arrived and here I am meeting him.
He didn't have his beard on correctly to begin with....
but it was great to meet him seeing as he should have been over seeing my cousins in Mexico City at that time!!
I got to open lots of presents but the only one photographed was this........the jack in the box. Thanks again for everyone who bought me presents. Some have been hidden away for another day so I'll look forward to that.
Here I look very unsurprised but to this day he scares me when he pops up so I was just courageous that day.


Marmite? Love it or hate it?

Daddy loves Marmite while Mummy hates it so a test was designed to see who I take after with tastes.
At first I wasn't too sure.
but in the end I liked a mixture of both....

Happy Birthday me

So the cake was made. I had a great nights sleep but when I woke up both Daddy and I weren't on form. Poor Daddy didn't get out of bed he was so ill and Mummy and I played as much as I would allow.
So we didn't get to do any of the things planned for my birthday. Shame as I believe there was a good day planned out for me....but that has all been put on hold for another day. Seems I won't miss out so watch this space.

So here I am with Larry...
and reading some books to pass the time in the morning
Opening presents in the evening when Daddy came down from bed. Thanks everyone for my lovely presents.
but the cake was inferno but tasted lovely. Thanks Mummy and Daddy.