Thursday, September 10, 2009

New family game called 'Bed'

Emily loves to play 'bed'. All it involves if a blanket/muslin/rug and you get under it...simple. So here are some of the Janaways.. All of the Janaways, but Tom didn't realise one of the rules was to look at the camera
and then just the boys. No 'girls' shot as Emily was tired of playing that game by this time

Visit to see Granny

Emily has found a new way to use the buggy board....on her bum rather than feet but that didn't matter to Tom as he slept either way
Emily enjoyed watching the sea underneath Worthing Pier
and showing off her celebrity sun glasses Granny bought her. Thanks again Granny for these

The architect at work

Put some bricks together and you can't help by praise yourself or do a little dance...
and all encouraged by Tom from the side..

Mat time with Tom

Sometimes we are waiting so long for Emily to get ready that poor Tom falls asleep on the mat but generally it is used for chatting and tummy time

Mr Bee

Seems Emily has a new breakfast companion.

Sammy....and of course Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon

Emily decided that it was time for her to walk Sammy... and show Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon just how high I can bounce

Day of activities

Emily was a very busy girl.....making pictures...
and making chocolate cake for her Auntie Claire and Uncle Simon
She even 'helped' with the washing up..
while Tom just lay back and watched

Where are the boys?

Emily met up with some of her baby friends recently but don't worry Tom got to sleep while they played together and their brothers will hopefully be joining you really soon. Promise
Impossible to get all 2 of them looking into 1 camera at the same time. That's 20 months olds for you!!

Shoreham Airshow

Emily's fascination of airplanes was satisfied the other weekend at the Shoreham 'Battle of Britain' airshow.
Between Peekaboo and eating though she did see some amazing planes

Park fun

My new garden toy. Thanks for freecycle we got this ...well for free!! I can't wait for Tom to join in on the fun soon The park is still my favourite place to visit. Thankfully it is only 1/2 mile down the road from us !!

Shh...don't tell Emily

But we went out to lunch one day without her..and I also tried out her baby's pram..

Thank you

The Thank you cards have been sent but here are some of the photos that didn't make the mark..except the last one that did.