Thursday, July 02, 2015

Hello hello

It has been a while since I've even looked at our lovely little blog.
I've no idea where the last 5 years have gone even and the thought of all the missed time of recording our lives along the way on this blog makes me sad.

Facebook came along and made life so much easier to communicate with my family and friends, posting pictures was also much easier and the draw to come back and update was lost.

I hope to change that, not today specifically but certainly soon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Playing together

The latest of the kids......seems the task of having both look normal is a little further off.

Spring time

So some interesting places that Emily falls asleep seems to be on the cards....It is always VERY hard to wake her up again. Caught.....doing what I'm not sure but you are both up to something....we can tell

Tom's Naming Day

Although there were presents it seems Tom was more into playing with the boxes Enjoying time with Granny and Nonnie...and of course the cake..
but it seems Emily needed a little professional help with her jigsaw number puzzle. Lucky Papi and John were on hand

Thanks everyone again for coming.

Table for 4

While Emily baked.... Tom had to sit at the table waiting for the end result
Didn't he look tiny??

Is this my best side?

Time with Nonnie and Papi

We had great fun at Nonnie and Papi's house, visiting the horses, watching the diggers and playing with cousin Tabitha and Oscar Tom learnt some new tricks on the Bumbo
Oscar got a little bored as the girls competed for Tom's attention

Flight home to N.I.

Seems NYE is the best time to fly...Gatwick really quiet as was the airplane...super journey over. You can't say that all the time

Is it too late for Christmas photos????

Well sorry....but here are some. None of the present opening as we were still opening some 3 days later!! Note to self....try to buy less this year.!! We did have time to feed the horses though...2 very important things to Emily...carrots and horses
Tom was small enough then to fit in the Bumbo OK
and Emily got to try out pulling a cracker with Daddy

Monday, December 21, 2009

Onto the next celebration

It was Emily's birthday and as Daddy had to go to work we opened just a few presents in the morning. Emily was delighted with her new clothes (thanks Louise)and xylophone (thanks Jess)
but then came the great event to 'Monkey business'. With 4 seperate slides and Mummy turning into the Piped Piper with 6 other kids following her around it was a fun time all around. I think Daddy liked this one the best
The candle blowing went well when we got home
and then more present opening.
Tom just sat on and watched the whole thing. I suspect he's taking notes for when it is his turn!!
Thanks everyone for the kind gifts. Emily loved them for Christmas.

Daddy's celebration

It was time to meet up as a family and celebrate Daddy finally becoming a solicitor.
We had a cake that had fireworks on it. Thankfully Uncle Simon was on hand to keep Tom safe
and Emily was on hand to make sure the cake was safe. (it's a 'smartie pant' cake by the way!!)

Tom had a lovely cuddle with Simon's Uncle Graham whilst the preparations were underway
and of course Daddy opened a bottle of the bubbly stuff for everyone
Well done Daddy once again. Now no more studying PLEASE!!

Nonnie and Papi's visit

Last minute photos as always
We enjoyed time with Nonnie and Papi when they were overEmily received her Birthday present from them...and got in with 'Baby' (although she was a little shy when the camera came out!!)

Tom even tried some baby rice out.....Mmmm nice

Emily and Nonnie made a hedgehog cake

which is always enjoyed whilst being made

Emily's first photo

Our little guy

Ready to go hunting....or something equally english

Playing together

Emily and Tom like to play around together now Tom is getting a little older.
On the table

On the sofa
In Tom's bed
or just around the house

Visiting Granny

New beds

So the bed swap over began some weeks ago now. Tom is in Emily's old cot and Emily in the single bed. Although it was VERY hit and miss as to how much sleep we could get in one night things have certainly settled down now.


A while ago I know but the kids dressed up a little for Halloween.
Emily loved running around on her way to the nursery party....while Tom looked like he had seen a ghost?!

Get that camera

Out of my FACE!! Seems the camera/Bumbo bring out the cross side of Tom