Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And she says....

Safe trip home Uncle Simon. Look forward to seeing you again soon (big smile...) kiss kiss


I can't beleive it. My cousin Oscar is well on his way to crawling (checking out the Agnews Mexico link to the right) and he is younger than me but thankfully I am showing some signs of crawling myself now.However it does usually end with me with my face on the floor!!

Finger Foods

It's been a long time coming but I got to actually feed myself something yesterday. Some nectarine...very nice indeed. I ate the whole quarter I was given with no problem at all.

So when do I get a slice of cake then?

My first tooth

Whilst away in Dorset my first tooth decided to show itself. Although still very small Mummy did try to take a photo of it for you all to see.An impossible task...but a lot of tickling went on to get these photos so they had to be shown

Different sleep positions

It's funny when you don't have your bed to sleep in at all times you find the next most comfortable thing to sleep in...
Such as this backpack...
My pram....
or Mummy's arms

Fishing trip

Mummy and Daddy went off to fish for Mackerel one day. They caught 7 in total (2 got away so I hear over and over again...oh and Mummy caught the most!!)
So they took me on a cruise of the coast the day afterwards.It was really good fun....but as always the fun sent me to sleep.

The Jurassic Coast

From seeing the Agnews I then went on holiday with the Janaways/Pressdees to Dorset. Uncle Simon couldn't make it as he is still away (counting the days now Uncle Simon!!).

We ate out everywhere making it a great time to improve my eating and sitting practices

I got to play with Auntie Claire lots,and spend loads of time with Granny Frances

but thankfully the weather was kind to us so we got to see the Jurassic coast. This is part of the coast from Lyme Regis
and went to a fishing museum. Granny and Auntie Claire got to feed some friendly Mullet

Monday, July 28, 2008

Britain's Next Top Model

Glad to see Ali win BNTM...although a little predicable

Grandparents and beyond

Even with all the cousins around I still got a chance to spend time with my Noni and Papi....
and also my Nena (my Great grandmother). Here are all her great grandchildren on her birthday.

Playing with my cousins

Fortunately there was lots of 'playtime' with my cousins. Sam had some great toys that he kindly let me play with...Mummy is still on the hunt for Nemo!!
and one day Tabitha and I headed to the park.

But not only did I get to meet and play with my cousins, my second cousins came up to see us all also. That was a day and a half which I nearly missed by sleeping so much. This is Eoin (Owen), myself, Sam and Annabelle playing whilst Wimbledon is on.

Meeting my cousins

It's been a long wait but finally I got to meet the rest of the Agnew family.
There was Sam...thankfully that look wasn't at me!!
Oscar...was always needed a bib
and Tabitha who was always busy...
Infact it was such a busy time that we don't have any photos of just us all together....note to self...remember for next time

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Square lip anyone?

Sorry everyone it's taken so long for a blog update from me. I've been busy seeing the family and also recovering from a horrible virus which has kept Mummy and Daddy busy from providing the updates.

I used to do this face a lot when I was little but these days they are hard to see unless I am VERY unhappy or scared of something.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sweet Dreams

Mummy went shopping for a new mattress today (with Daddy's permission).
She came away happy but I was even more when the salesman gave me a 'Dreams' Mummy Bear. We are roughly the same size but she can't seem to sit up very well like me!!

Beaker Time

This is me trying to get used to my new training cup.
All very frustrating indeed!!

The Big Toddle

Barnado's had a wee event yesterday called the Big Toddle. Even though I can't actually walk yet I still complete the course in the buggy with my friends Nathan, Oliver and Hannah from Baby Massage. We had to get to a secret garden through a tunnel which was VERY interesting!Here we are in the secret garden waiting for Baby Boogie and a good story.