Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Seat

As Mummy and Daddy seem to be sorting through my old things (can't work out fully why yet!!) I came across something I used to LOVE in the bath.

Now it is my new seat
which I love getting in and out of
and also laying down for a wee rest.
although it is a struggle to get out of it sometimes.


On Sunday it was both my cousin Oscar and Auntie Claire's birthday. As Oscar is a little further away (in Mexico City) we went to see Auntie Claire.
Here I am begging for some cake from Auntie Claire,
then from Daddy
but when that didn't work thankfully Granny Frances came to the rescue and read me a book instead.Hope you had more cake than I did Oscar.


So now I am fully walking I like to walk EVERYWHERE. Thankfully I got a backpack from Nonnie and Papi for my birthday so I can pack some snacks and off I go.
Warning another shot with a cheesy grin!!

Snow in Brighton

Last week we had lovely snow (for all of 2 days).
So it was on with the warm PJs.
Quick to build a snowman
and then look lost amongst the whiteness

all in all a very busy day

Trying out the trike

Seems my Mummy used to use this trike when she was a little girl. Although I can't quite reach the pedals on it, it was great fun being pushed around indoors.
(Warning this shot has a VERY cheesy grin!!)

Late photos

Although I am older than 1 now Mummy and Daddy took me off to have my 1st Birthday photos taken.
We had quite a few to look through but here are some of our favourites.